Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School!

We had a busy morning! Today's Lesson? Mommy wasn't prepared.

The Punk has grown up in so many ways over the Summer. He's physically stronger and able to do things he couldn't just a few weeks ago. He's going crazy with letters and phonics - just chomping at the bit to start reading. He's been working on his comedic timing, and is extremely funny. I love watching these new skills emerge, but already miss the baby he is rapidly leaving behind...

I didn't realize how FAST he would devour his school work this morning, so I was ill prepared. A few months ago this would have been a couple of hours "work" with a snack built in somewhere... now it took him just under a half hour to complete everything I had planned last night.

I have to dig a little deeper into these "lesson plans" of mine, because the Punk is leaps ahead of where we left off!

Patterns - Matching Patters from a Word document to his new foam shapes.

Big / Little Letters - New puzzle letters from Target

Reading the book Six Sticks and following along with our own 6 sticks...

Toothpicks - Mommy's chance to step away from the table and load the dishwasher!

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