Using Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars only (no other small cars, boats, airplanes, helicopters, or train cars) we measured a total of 9 feet and 10 inches. The entire length of our living room. After a grand total count, we have at least 85 Hot Wheels and/or Matchbox cars.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Traffic Jam
We had a traffic jam in our living room over the weekend. After a small discussion between the Punk, Daddy and myself, I decided to see just how many Hot Wheels (and Matchbox cars) I could find. I had bet they would stretch to the Punk's room, and Daddy said they'd only be around as tall as himself (5' 10").
I scrambled to get cars from the "car bin", toy box, living room toy basket, under the sofa, bed, and even the spares in Mommy's Bag. It was ON!
But... we were both wrong.
Long, long line.
How did he get so many cars?
Driving under The Punk Bridge
Unusables - the cars that were not "allowed" into the traffic line.
What did we learn? Mommy can't estimate, and Daddy had no idea we had bought so many cars in only 3 and a half years!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Inside / Outside Art
Today we went outside (in the rain) and collected a few textural items to bring indoors to play with. We also walked around the house (mostly the kitchen) to find objects that had interesting "feels" to them... and then we set to work!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Hoppy Easter to all our Peeps!
We made a quick and easy Easter lapbook today. Some of the content was borrowed from Confessions of a Homeschooler. Some was borrowed from Squidoo. And some was just plain Googled and put together by Me!
We sorted Peeps, and then made Peep Patterns. The Punk had no idea what a Peep was, so I must make a mental note to get him a pack of Peeps for his basket.
We played the Egg Matching Game, and I was amazed at how well he did. Some of the patterns/colors are very similar, but he matched every one of them correctly.
We then helped the chocolate bunny find his way into the Easter Basket. this is a Word Template I created and I change the clip art to/from for whatever suits our lesson. He's getting much better at staying on the lines. I feel bad that he gets so frustrated with himself when he goes out of the line, but he's so darn proud when he does a good job that I keep giving him more chances to work on this.
Our first maze EVER. Look at that kid! He traced the path with his finger the first time, and then he "knew" how to get there. He is very excited to show Daddy this one.
Our cutting work today was a lesson on "fringing". It was hard for him to not cut all the way through, he loves snipping and shredding paper. He finally "got" it when I showed him we were making Easter Egg Grass.
I printed a simple egg template from Google images, and had him decorate some eggs. We picked his favorite ones, and hid them in the grass he had cut. Then we drew some happy clouds, and he asked me to make "some gwitter-y ones!", so I added a few glitter glue clouds to the back.
The lapbook came together fairly quickly this morning. We ended the lesson by reading Happy Easter Little Critter before his nap.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I have read about making cornstarch goo for a long time, but never had the cornstarch and the idea at the same time. Today it dawned on me that I had all the ingredients (cornstarch and water!) so I rounded up the Punk, and we made goo. Or Goopley as he calls it.
The Internet recipes vary. Some say equal parts water and cornstarch, some say 1/2 cup cornstarch and 1/4 cup water - we just winged it. We started with a little of each, and added more of this or that when we felt it needed to be thicker or thinner.
The Internet recipes vary. Some say equal parts water and cornstarch, some say 1/2 cup cornstarch and 1/4 cup water - we just winged it. We started with a little of each, and added more of this or that when we felt it needed to be thicker or thinner.
Plus we added blue food coloring. Why blue? Why not?
It is one of the strangest things I have ever played with! It's soft and powdery, but wet and gooey all at once. It's not slimy, but rather silky and slippery. The Punk was head over heels for this stuff!
One of the most interesting things about Goopley is you can form it into a solid - like a ball of clay almost. Passing it back and forth between your hands it begins to take shape... but the very second you stop moving it, the Goopley liquefies again and drips out between your fingers. Awesome stuff!
One of the most interesting things about Goopley is you can form it into a solid - like a ball of clay almost. Passing it back and forth between your hands it begins to take shape... but the very second you stop moving it, the Goopley liquefies again and drips out between your fingers. Awesome stuff!
Workin' at the Car Wash
After playing outside in the sandbox (90 degrees in April!) we needed to cool off, and get the cars clean. So we set up a Car Wash in the bathroom!
Then he set them aside to dry on a towel.
When he was finished he took his toothbrush cup and rinsed the sand out of the sink.
And took a big drink! Look how red those cheeks were. It was hot, and he enjoyed the cool water after playing so hard (and washing cars).
This post linked to: We Play (Childhood 101)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Frugal Learning
I picked up a few educational things at the Target Dollar Spot a couple of months ago, and decided to bring some out and give them a whirl this morning. We started with a worksheet from a workbook called Pre-K Colors & Shapes. Even though the Punk is excellent at naming all of the basic and most of the more complicated shapes, he doesn't have the drawing skills mastered yet. In fact, he draws very lightly. You can hardly tell that he has outlined the heart and rectangle on this page. We will keep working on it, and see if we can come up with a way to learn to press harder (without snapping the crayons in two!).
The Punk and I went over the concept of rhyming today. We have talked about it some, and I think he "gets" it, but this game presented too many words at once, and I think he felt a bit of pressure to make sure he did it just right.
Feelin' Groovy
Slow down, you move too fast
You've got to make the morning last...
We did a little spooning work this morning. I love the sound of the glass beads plinking into the bowls. The Punk knows to be careful, and go slow with these, because we had a broken bead in our original package, and "glass is fwa-gile, Mommy".
His best friend, his confidant, his Pepper Cat watched us as we did our school Work this morning. She is irreplaceable, and the love of his life. I kick myself for not buying two of her when Ikea still sold them.
We moved on to beads and chopsticks. The Punk likes these chopsticks a lot. Other than beads and puff balls I don't know many other activities he could "tong" with them. It's time to get creative so he can use these more often! I love early mornings when he does work that helps him concentrate and take things slow. Sometimes we rush too often in the a.m. and it's nice to have an activity to do that lets us sit and listen to music while he works.This post linked to: Montessori Monday
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Here we grow again!
Someone gave us this little gardening kit, so we put it to use today, and planted the seeds that came with. If all goes well we should have cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers at some point this spring/summer. The Punk is more enthused with the watering can than the rest of it. I think the little garden stakes (with stickers) are cute - but I'm afraid they won't last once the plants are transplanted outside.
As for our last gardening post - our herbs have sprouted! The Punk loves to check on them every day, and we water them with a little medicine dropper. He heard (on Charlie and Lola) that plants grow better when someone talks to them, and I have heard him whispering stories to them when he's playing behind the curtain.
I took a little nibble off that bent chive leaf, and I'm impressed! I hope the plants continue to grow so we can transplant them outside with the others later on. I have a tomato plant and a banana pepper plant growing outside now, and we want to add more in a few weeks when we get a "proper" vegetable garden set up in the back yard.
My thinking is that maybe, just maybe if the Punk helps grow the food he might just eat it too....? But since I can't grow a chicken nugget tree that might just be wishful thinking.
This post linked to: Montessori Monday
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